Monday, March 28, 2011

May I have some more please?

The best testimony of good delicious food is always revealed through the response of the audience being served.This past weekend I had the pleasure of sharing Rice Akaras and Jollof rice with fellow students in a Lay Speaker Class I currently attend. I was elated by the response. My new friends were asking for seconds and thirds and once the hesitant ones allowed themselves to partake of the food they became instant fans.
Rice akara balls is a delicious blend of ripe bananas, rice flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, a hint of salt, water and love. i say love because there is a passion that promotes the delicate blend of all the ingredients to ensure the palatable product that makes instant fans upon tasting.
Jollof rice is quite popular throughout West Africa. In some parts of The Americas like The Gullah Island it is known as red rice. The preparation varies depending on the region in Africa. In Freetown Sierra leone, this precious dish's ingredients include, rice, tomato paste, sweet peppers, salt, black pepper,thyme(tommillo), garlic, onions, vegetable oil,water and artful patience.
With the good fortune of Technology, a blender replaces the old pounding wooden bucket(ie. Mataodoh).All the ingredients except the vegetable oil, thyme and spices are blended together and placed in a simmering pot of oil to which seasonings are added. the result is a delicious tasty soulful and mouth watering rice dish. Detailed recipes are available in the upcoming book-My Wife's Hands. Join our Facebook page.

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